A roundtable was held today in Sofia, with Information Services putting up for discussion before representatives of leading business- and ICT organizations the international experience in the introduction of a single system integrator (SSI). They were also familiarized with Austrian experience in the establishment of company responsible for implementing government policy in IT.

The meeting was attended by the Bulgarian Industrial Chamber (BIC), Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), CEIBG, Bulgarian Association of IT (BAIT), Bulgarian Association of Software Companies (BASCOM), Bulgarian ICT Cluster, Law and Internet Foundation, Bulgarian Web Association (BWA), and the Association of Telecommunications (AsTel).

The representatives of Bulgarian businesses and municipalities supported the idea to establish a company to coordinate introduction of e-government in Bulgaria. The businesses realize the advantages of the single system integrator but also voiced concerns with regard to the establishment and unambiguous legal regulation of the new company, with its rights clearly defined so as to ensure centralized management of the e-government, set up uniform standards, refrain from competing with the private sector, and take into account the limited human resources of the ICT sector in Bulgaria.

During the roundtable meeting Mr. Albert Krohnberger, who was involved in the setting up of the e-government model in Austria, noted that: ‘There is no single ‘best' or ‘right' solution - governments follow trends in the global ICT industry, so the management model and the purchasing of ICT technologies depend on the unique circumstances and the particular country.