
The National System Integrator Information Services has developed and put into operation a web-based platform for tracking and reporting on the progress of the state structures for the introduction of the single European currency. At, all citizens and interested parties have the opportunity to monitor and control the degree of adaptation of the information systems of the state structures to work with the euro. The developed platform is a project of the Ministry of eGovernment and is part of the updated National Plan for the introduction of the euro in the Republic of Bulgaria, adopted by the Council of Ministers Decision No 797 of 13 November, 2023. The platform creates full transparency of the activities of the administrations in the development of their information systems.
The introduction of the еuro affects all information systems at national, regional and municipal level that perform activities with currency units and process financial information. Developers of information systems that provide software products to administrative authorities are also required to submit information on the progress of adaptation to the platform. This way, the process of adaptation of information systems used by many administrative authorities for financial and accounting activities, human resources management activities and other key activities that are essential for the functioning of the administrative authorities upon accession to the еuro area is monitored. The total number of administrations that need to submit reports is around 600 and, together with the information system developers, more than 1 600 users are expected to submit system plans and reports. The platform also publishes summary and detailed reports on administrative bodies and specific information systems, as well as those for tracking overall progress in the implementation of the Plan for the introduction of the еuro in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is the only country in the EU that has developed such a flexible tool for civil control over the readiness of administrations for the introduction of the Euro, stated Ivaylo Filipov, Executive Director of Information Services. According to him, the platform allows strict monitoring of the work of the administrative bodies, and the ensured full transparency and traceability of the processes will oblige the administrations to precisely implement the plans for adapting their information systems to the еuro. All systems are expected to be successfully adapted by 31 March 2025 and administrative authorities are required to publish a progress report on a bi-weekly basis on
The platform also includes a helpdesk to assist the administrative authorities with any questions or cases in the processes of adapting the information systems. The questions are organized by topics - for technical issues in the field of e-government, ICT, network and information security, issues related to work processes and procedures in the field of public finance, methodological issues related to the adoption of the Euro, etc.