Over 500,000 e-prescriptions have been issued in less than 3 months

The total number of electronic prescriptions issued through the National Health Information System (NHIS) reached 500,000 in less than 3 months. The National System Integrator Information Services introduced into operation the centralized online system for prescribing and dispensing medicinal products on February 6, 2021 and it is already actively used by over 2,300 general practitioners and 2,100 pharmacies throughout the country.

“With the introduction of the e-prescription system, Information Services practically started the long-awaited digitalization of the process, which greatly supports patients, reduces the risk of false dispensing of controlled and reimbursed drugs and facilitates as much as possible both general practitioners and pharmacies, "said the company's executive director Ivaylo Filipov. According to him, it has also achieved unification of the method and form when recording the dosage and administration of the prescribed drugs.

Furthermore, over 100,000 electronic referrals have been issued through the NHIS. Information Services launched the service on December 8, 2020. The electronic medical record of the patient was successfully introduced into operation. The module provides complete and accessible medical information for each patient at any time and regardless of the source of funding of medical activities. The electronic medical record records and stores electronic health data and medical information about each patient, such as general health information, data from examinations, therapies, interventions, outpatient cards, prescription forms, laboratory tests, referrals, COVID-19 vaccination certificate, etc. Each medical e-document created through the NHIS is automatically added to the record.

In the last year alone, the company has implemented several extremely important projects in a short period of time, which are assisting the health authorities in the fight against the pandemic. One of them is the e-immunization module, which contains information on all administered COVID-19 vaccines. It allows online request and tracking of the available amount of vaccines in each vaccination center. Vaccination certificates can also be issued via it.

Bulgaria is one of the first countries in Europe, that has developed a certificate proving vaccination against COVID-19. The document is also available in the electronic medical record of the patient, where anyone who has an electronic signature can save it in electronic format or print it.

Information Services has developed ЕU Digital COVID certificate, which certifies immunization against COVID-19, a negative coronavirus test result or proof of antibodies after recovery. This became possible after the European Commission approved the technical specifications and gave guidance to Member States on what should the document include. On May 14, 2021, the company completed the integration of the Bulgarian system with the EC, which means that the Bulgarian certificates are compatible with the systems of other EU Member States. ЕU Digital COVID certificate is expected to take effect on 1 June, with the aim of facilitating free movement in the EU.

The company also created a national register of infected with and recovered from COVID-19, which daily assists the health authorities in Bulgaria in managing the pandemic. The register collects daily information from 28 RHIs, 850 laboratories, over 400 medical institutions and 5,000 general practitioners.

To support the vaccination process and the National Vaccination Plan, the Information Service has also developed a register for those who wish to be vaccinated. It allows citizens to save the date, day, time and preferred type of vaccine. So far, more than 170,000 people have been registered in the electronic register in more than 200 vaccination centers. All these projects lead to efficient process management in the implementation of the European Strategy against COVID-19.

Among the other important projects of the National System Integrator in the field of healthcare is the Information System for Control of Medical Expertise (ISKME), through which 36,000 applications have been made, 39,000 referrals have been issued and 17,000 decisions by Expert Medical Commissions have been made. The system fully electronicizes the process of issuing expert decisions to people with permanent reduced working capacity.

“The projects, released by Information Services and those that are forthcoming give a strong impetus to e-health in Bulgaria and create highly efficient services. The goal is full digitalization and centralization of services and documents in healthcare, which will improve the overall patient care and allow institutions to make timely and informed strategic management decisions," said the CEO Ivaylo Filipov.