"Information services" JSC reports profit before tax of 1,1M BGN for the reported period Jan-Sept 2015. The Company continues to develop and to strengthen its role on the Bulgarian IT market. The Company is the main IT system integrator of the state administration, as well as partner of many corporate institutions developing their IT projects.

For the reported period Jan-Sept 2015, the Company has continued to work on its current projects and has successfully finished some of its large scale software projects (the State Commission on Gambling for the upgrade and further development of new functionalities of the information system of the commission; Registry agency - for the audit of the technical and communication infrastructure of the Registry agency; Ministry of Youth and Sports for the audit of the IT and communication infrastructure; Ministry of labour and social policy for audit of the IT and communication infrastructure). Other projects are still work in progress but will be finished in a timely manner with the resp. quality (Ministry of Justice for the development and implementation of electronic registries, BDZ passengers transport EOOD for the Online system of reservation and e-ticketing).

The company reports 6% increase of its revenues, compared to its budget, as well as cost optimization of 5%. As a result, the profit before tax reached 1,1M BGN, 9 times bigger than the budgeted one. The management of the company is aiming at better financial performance for the last quarter of the 2015, expecting to report the best financial performance for the year.