Information Services finished the computer processing for the Parliamentary Elections 2013 and submitted the results for publication by the Central Election Commission on 15 May 2013 - less than 72 hours after the end of the Election Day.

The new requirements set by the Election Code and the desire of the company and the Central Election Commission to present promptly the results to the public under the conditions of full transparency, introduced a number of new aspects of processing:

  • Development of websites of the Regional Election Commissions and ensuring their support;
  • Implementation of e-service for abroad voting registration, from which benefited over 11000 Bulgarians;
  • Real-time online broadcast of the sessions of the Central Election Commission and the Regional Election Commissions in 64 locations. The sessions were viewed in real time by over 5 500 unique viewers all over the world;
  • Scanning of all election protocols of the Section Election Commissions and the Regional Election Commissions and publishing them on Internet - over 11 900;
  • Access to all online resources of the Central Election Commission and the Regional Election Commission by mobile devices;
  • Publishing the information from the processing as Open data.

Over 800 experts, located in 32 computing centres all over the country were involved in the computer processing.

The operators entered over 1 700 000 numbers in the database.

The public websites of the Central Election Commission were subject to a mass hacker attack, which was successfully blocked by the experts of the Information Services., without affecting the access to information for the legitimate users and without change of the content. The website of the Central Election Commission was viewed by over 70 000 users who successfully visited over 10 000 000 pages.