
Regarding signals from general practitioners (GPs) that meet difficulties in registering data on immunizations with the Influvac Tetra vaccine in the National Health Information System (NHIS), we clarify the following:
National Program for Vaccination against Seasonal Influenza and Pneumococcal Infections in Persons Aged 65+ (2023–2026) provides free seasonal influenza vaccines. These are Influvac Tetra and Vaxigrip Tetra.
Information about a contract, signed with the Dutch company Abbott Biologicals B.V. for the supply of Influvac Tetra was officially published on the website of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) on 4 October 2023, and it is stated that it is retroactive – coming into force from 1 October 2023. The manufacturer has registered the vaccine in Bulgaria with two separate codes, according to Annex 3 of the Positive Drug List of the NCPRMP, and only one is included in the contract with the NHIF.
Some GPs had some difficulties regards to registering data on Influvac Tetra immunisations as they used a different code, than the National Program approvals. After coordination between the NHIF, the Ministry of Health and the Information Services team, the correct code of the Influvac Tetra vaccine has been changed in the NHIS. All developers of medical software have been notified about the updated nomenclature of medicinal products.
Up to now, the National Program for Vaccination against Seasonal Influenza and Pneumococcal Infections in Persons Aged 65+ (2023–2026) has registered over 2700 vaccinations with Influvac Tetra and nearly 500 doses of Vaxigrip Tetra.