Over 95 million medications have been dispensed through the National Health Information System

The total number of dispensed medications through the National Health Information System (NHIS) exceeded 95 million units. On average, about 124,000 medicinal products are prescribed daily. This was stated by Boris Kostadinov, Director of Software Integrations at Information Services, during the second edition of the Forbes Healthcare Summit, which brought together leaders in the healthcare industry. Since the system's launch, over 30 million electronic prescriptions have been generated through the NHIS. Data shows that on average of three medicinal products are prescribed in each electronic prescription.

In less than 2.5 years, registered e-examinations have exceeded 38.5 million, with on average of over 100,000 issued daily. More than 22 million electronic referrals have been issued through the system, with on average of over 66,000 referrals issued by doctors daily. Electronic hospitalizations in hospital care are more than 1.6 million. Data shows, that imposing total of 870 million requests have been registered through the NHIS, and over 1.5 million requests are processed daily.

"For the last 2.5 years, a huge work has been done in the field of e-health in Bulgaria," stated Boris Kostadinov. By his words, 98% of the country's medical institutions are integrated with the NHIS through software systems they use in daily work, with all major processes digitized in outpatient care and some of the hospital care. More than 350 hospitals are integrated with the health information system. The platform is used by nearly 18,000 doctors, 4,400 pharmacists, about 1,000 laboratory specialists, and over 360 dentists.

By the end of the year, the focus of the  NHIS upgrade will be providing access to electronic health records of adults, relatives, and children by family members, and integration with the European eHealth Information Hub. Priority also will be providing doctors access to patients' health records. The following modules are being considered: child and maternal healthcare, prevention and risk factors. New functionalities will be added to the electronic health record for end users, both in the web portal and in the eZdrave mobile application.

For efficiently working system is necessary all participants in eHealth-doctors, pharmacists, lab specialists, etc. – to fill in necessary data into the NHIS so that it is reliable and accurate, and also patients to be proactively, seek their rights and demand that all electronic examinations, prescriptions, referrals, hospitalizations, etc. be entered into their records," Boris Kostadinov stated.