50 people expressed their wish to become volunteers in the fight against COVID-19

In less than 3 days, a total of 50 people expressed their wish to become volunteers in the fight against COVID-19 using the online-based system. The initiative of Information Services and the Ministry of Health aims to support the health services in their efforts to deal effectively with the pandemic and the need for additional first-line staff in hospitals.

"We call on all citizens who have a willingness and opportunity to volunteer in hospitals which are in dire need of assistance in the fight against COVID-19," the Information Services CEO Ivaylo Filipov stated.

Those wishing to volunteer on the front line must be at least 18 years old. They can express their wish through the online registration form on the National Health Information System website at https://www.his.bg/bg/volunteers or https://coronavirus.bg/. The volunteers must fill in their full name, personal ID number, e-mail and contact phone number.

The system allows volunteers to describe their experience and skills in health services, if any. Volunteers may specify a region and a specific hospital where they want to help the first-line doctors in the fight against COVID-19. If there is no predefined hospital, the regional health inspectorates will redirect the applications to the hospital in the region with the greatest need. Hospitals will contact applicants on the telephone or via e-mail address indicated on the registration form. All applications are processed entirely electronically and it is not necessary for the volunteers to visit the hospital for which they have registered.