Over 1 million European Green Certificates have been downloaded

More than 1 million European Green Certificates have been downloaded via National Health Information System (NHIS). Yesterday, when the new anti-epidemic measures were announced, nearly 50 000 documents for COVID-19 were downloaded, 65% of them were requested after 7 pm. Currently, more than 1,000 certificates per minute are being downloaded.

In fact, many more people in Bulgaria have such a document, as some of them get it on paper from their general practitioner or from vaccination centers. The European COVID Certificate Generating System, developed by Information Services, went into operation on June 1, 2021. Bulgaria was among the first 7 countries, which started issuing this document, 30 days before the European Regulation (EU) 2021/953 became mandatory for all EU countries.

"Information Services JSC issues certificates according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2021/953 of the European Parliament. The full text of the Regulation can be found at https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32021R0953&from=BG.

Up to date, the system has generated 1,393 million certificates for completed vaccination cycle. Nearly 10 000 booster dose documents have been issued. More than 1 million certificates have been issued for a negative coronavirus test result and more than 43,000 certificates are for COVID-19 recovery where the disease confirmed by a positive PCR result.

"The amount of European Green Certificates issued shows the effectiveness of the system developed by Information Services JSC, which is part of the NHIS and is integrated with the European Commission `s system," the CEO Ivaylo Filipov stated. According to him, the company once again proves that the projects it implements meet the highest global standards.

Users can download their electronic version of the certificate from the NHIS website https://www.his.bg/bg/dgc and can store it on their mobile devices. In August 2021, Information Services provided the ability to download digital certificates in PKPASS format, allowing the document to be stored in a wallet-type application on mobile devices with Android and iOS operating systems. This functionality makes it easier for citizens, as they will not have to carry the paper version of the certificate, and also for the verifiers, who can easily and quickly verify the document. The certificate is also available in PDF format, which is suitable for printing on paper.