
Following media publications related to incorrect reporting of administered vaccination doses against COVID-19 in the COVID-19 Information Portal, we confirm the following:
The data related to immunizations in various regions in the COVID-19 Information Portal reflects the correctly administered doses of COVID-19 vaccines in each specific area. It should be noted that all such data is calculated on a daily basis in relation to the registered immunizations in the vaccination centers of the relevant areas.
On July 26, 2021, a discrepancy was seen between the results of the vaccinated persons by administrative districts and the total number of vaccinated persons with a completed vaccination cycle. The latter circumstance emerged as the single-dose vaccines COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen are not reported as a complete vaccination cycle in the total number of vaccinated persons, but only in the administrative results.
We emphasize that the noted inaccuracy is only in the calculation of the total number of persons with a completed vaccination cycle, which summarizes the data on persons who received a second dose of two-dose vaccines and those who chose a single-dose vaccine. The data by administrative areas are entered correctly and reflect the actual number of doses administered.
When the discrepancy between the total number of persons with completed vaccination cycle and the doses by administrative areas was verified, the discrepancy was corrected. Information Services apologizes for the inaccuracy and has taken all necessary steps to avoid future discrepancies in the data related to vaccinated persons numbers.