
For the first nine months of 2019 Information Services generated BGN 21.4 million in revenue. This result exceeds by 21% the forecasts in the Business Plan of the company, and compared to the same period of the previous year it increased by 45%. The profit before taxes is BGN 2.4 million, which is more than twice higher compared to the same period last year.
The total number of staff in the company is the same for the two compared periods. A significant increase in the labor efficiency has been achieved.
The reported change in the figures for the current period (growth in revenues, operating expenses and profitability) compared to the previous year is due to the execution of existing and closing of new contracts.
As far as the comparable projects are concerned, by the end of the third quarter of 2019 a total increase of 12% was reached, this includes 14% of increase of the revenue from electronic signatures and 15% of increase of the revenue from application software and infrastructure maintenance services as well as consultancy services.