
On October 3rd 2019 the new railway tickets online selling portal, owned by „BDZ Passanger services” ltd., successfully started working. The portal, developed by Information Services team, is part of the centralized ticketing system that is already implemented in 80 railway stations and tickets offices across the country. The system provides the possibility to purchase tickets from anywhere in Bulgaria for the entire railway network and covers all trains and routes. The new functionality – online purchasing via the portal, clients can use up to 30 days in advance and not later than 3 hours before departure of the train for which they buy a ticket. The portal provides the opportunity to buy both seats and berths for all the fast trains throughout the country. An exact visualization of each seat enables the precise choice of the preferred seat. The portal provides the possibility to purchase a ticket with all types of railway discount cards.
The purchased ticked clients receive on their e-mail and the ticket validation can be done also through the mobile phone, without printing it on paper.