For the first six months of 2019, Information Services JSC generated revenues of BGN 14 million and 814 thousand. This result exceeds the one set in the Company's Business Plan for the year by 18%. Compared to the same period last year, the result increased by 51%. The profit before taxes is BGN 2 million 116 thousand, which is three times more than in the same period last year.

The company staff decreased by 3% as a result of optimization processes.

The increase in the results for the current period, compared to the same period of the previous year, is due to the implementation of new projects in the first half of 2019. Among them major input have the activities under the contract with CEC for computer processing of the protocols with the results of the elections for members of the European Parliament by the Republic of Bulgaria, held in May 2019. A significant contribution to the reported results have the activities under the contract with BNB Printing House for the supply, installation and configuration of an electronic platform for registration of economic operators involved in production and trade with tobacco products.

As far as the comparable projects are concerned, in the first half of 2019 there is 14% of increase in the revenues from digital signatures and 15% increase from the services of maintaining software and infrastructure, as well as consulting services.

Information Services Jsc is among the technological leaders in the field of provision of high-tech services in the ICT sector in Bulgaria.

The company specializes in the building, development and maintenance of information systems of national importance among which the information systems for management of revenues from local taxes and fees, the main information systems of the National Revenue Agency including the public services of the agency, the systems of the Ministry of Finance and the Customs Agency and is a technological partner to the Central Elections Committee.