
In 2015 the Company's revenues amounted to 21.3M BGN and the reported annual profit was 1.7M BGN.
Growth in revenue by 35% compared to 2012, by 11% compared to 2013 and by 4% compared to 2014 is seen. The enlarged portfolio of clients and the number of measures adopted by the company's management for the purpose of costs optimization, training and qualification of employees contributed to the significant improvement of the financial results.
The new projects in 2015 include the project for development of E-register for Bulgarian citizenship for the Ministry of Justice, information system for control on the activities and the revenues for the State Commission on Gambling, electronic voting for election of management body of the Chamber for Private Enforcement Officers, etc.
Another development is the new system for issuing tickets and cards, including online system for BDZ, which is expected to go live in 2016.
Information Services Plc was the first issuer of e-signatures in Bulgaria. Recently the company reduced the price for that service and introduced the issuing and the renewal of e-signature with validity of 3 years.
In result the price for e-signature for a natural person StampIt is now 12 BGNр i.e. 50% lower than 2014.
In 2015 the realized revenues of e-signatures sold by the company mark a growth by 16% compared to 2014 and the number of issued and renewed e-signatures increased by 23%.
Since the beginning of 2015 measures have been implemented to reduce some basic expenses, which include optimization of the company's administrative staff, 50% reduction of expenses for fuel and maintenance of the fleet of vehicles, 20% reduction of expenses for consumables and stationary. Some of the savings were reinvested for modernization of the work environment. For the purpose of maintenance and development of the technological infrastructure, which is the foundation for the processes of provision of IT services, in 2015 were realized a number of investments for renewal of the process equipment. They include also the establishment of two new data centres, which significantly enhance the volume and the quality of the services provided by the company.
The new policy of Information Services Plc includes also investments for staff training and qualification. As a result of the implementation of the programme for professional qualification, at present the company has 28 experts with international project management certification including the authoritative international PMI and Prince2.
In 2015 the company successfully realized the project for computer processing of the results from the Local Elections and National Referendum 2015 under the conditions of unprecedented for Bulgaria cyber-attack against the website of the Central Elections Committee.