
All general practitioners and specialists in outpatient care can register electronic examinations and issue outpatient lists in electronic format. This functionality is part of the new module "E-Examination" of the National Health Information System (NHIS), which allows full electronic documentation and storage of all medical examinations.
The document created by "E-Examination" module is an essential part of the personal electronic health record of each patient and links the developed and functioning modules "E-Prescription", "E-Referral" and "E-Immunization". Thus patients and authorized healthcare professionals have full traceability and history of diseases, diagnoses, treatment prescribed, tests, prescribed drugs and more. In order not to lose the link with other medical documents, created outside the NHIS, a technical possibility to add them to the system is provided. One of the advantages of „E-Examination“ module is that it can work with all types of medical examinations - at GPs and specialists in outpatient care, including the existing outpatient lists of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF).
"The E-Examination module is the next key step of NHIS implementation roadmap and it is of major importance for the e-health in Bulgaria," the CEO of Information Services Ivaylo Filipov stated. He added that thanks to this module every attending physician would be able to track the full history of a disease. Patients do not need any more to carry paperwork folders, medical records, and outpatient lists.
The Ministry of Health and Information Services invites all physicians and their software providers to participate in the pilot use of the new module.