Users have downloaded more than 56,000 certificates, malicious traffic against the NHIS continues

The total number of downloaded EU Digital COVID Certificates from the Internet portal of the National Health Information System (NHIS) today exceeded 56,000. The most active downloads were between 9.00 and 13.00, when the certificate generation system reported an average of 7500 downloaded documents per hour. So far, a total of over 1,255 million EU Digital COVID Certificates have been downloaded. The total number of vaccines administered today is almost 20,000.

This is another day when users are actively downloading their generated certificates, despite the continuing malicious distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against the infrastructure of the NHIS. In the afternoon, the teams of Information Services detected a new large-scale attempt to block the operation of the system. In the early afternoon, almost 30 million requests per second were detected on the internet portal, which is an unprecedented attack for Bulgaria. No attempts to breach and interfere with the system and leak user data were reported.

"The malicious acts that continue for a second day are aimed at disrupting the vaccination process and are a direct threat to the state and the tireless work of medical staff who provide 24/7 care to protect Bulgarian citizens from COVID-19," the Information Services' CEO Ivaylo Filipov said. According to him, the company has provided the most effective and modern protection of the infrastructure from such acts and successfully manages to repel malicious attacks.

From Monday, October 25, after 14.00, all citizens who have relapsed the coronavirus infection and are listed as confirmed cases with a an antigen test in the National COVID-19 Registry, can download their certificate of recovery from the Internet portal of The National Health Information System The certificate for recovery will be valid only for the territory of Bulgaria and will last 365 days from the date of the first positive antigen test for COVID-19.