For the year 2019 Information Services JSC reports a record high revenues growth for the last 10 years, which amounts to BGN 32,4 million. The result is 21% above the planned revenues, and compared to the previous 2018 the increase is 50%.

This outcome supports the trend of the last 5 years sustainable increase of the company effective activity. For the period 2015-2019 there is a trend of increasing income and profit per employee, increasing the average salary and reducing the number of employees. The average salary for the period increased by 50%, corresponding to the high competitiveness on the IT specialists market in the country, while the number of employees in the company decreased by 7%.

Over the past year, the company has made significant investments, both in the technological renewal of its infrastructure and in increasing the key competencies of its specialists. Modern technological solutions are provided to increase the cybersecurity. Various trainings (internal and external), participation in seminars, exhibitions and practices are provided for the professional development of the employees.

The amendments to the Electronic Government Act, which are into force since the end of November 2019, define the functions of a national system integrator for the Information Services JSC. In a list, determined by the Government, the company is currently assigned the activities for development, maintenance and monitoring of the operability of information systems, used by 27 administrations or separate units in them.