Information Services Plc. Varna has developed and launched a system for online admission of students. The program has been tested on May, 20th in "P. R. Slaveykov" primary school. Eleven online applications were submitted during the first three minutes and a hundred candidates were registered till the 23rd minute. During the first hour 160 students were registered. On May 21st the subscriptions were 250 as meanwhile in the school administration only two paper documents were submitted.

The system for online admission of students will be tested also in VII "Nayden Gerov" secondary school in Varna. The ratings for the admission of first grade students will also be performed by the system on June 3rd.

The system consists of 3 modules. The first module is public and is designed to be of use to the parents. The application includes legislative framework, zoning, applications for admission - an online registration and a form which could be downloaded (designed for parents who want to submit paper documents), schedule, information about the registered candidates (updated regularly), ratings results, Q&As, parents profile. Each parent, after registering in the system receives a password to access his/her profile, where he/she sees his/her status and the history of the application.

The second module is designed for the school's administrative staff. It provides the registration and an editing option of the applications, confirmation of the registration and cancellation of the applications. This panel provides options for uploading of news, legislative framework as well as Q&A.

The module for the ratings is designed to suit the needs of the director of the school. This part of the system performs the ratings, generates automatic references for the rated children as well as for those in the waiting lists.

The "Admission in first year in elementary school" program has been designed on the base of the software products for admission in kinder gardens and the experience of Information Services Plc. In Varna, Rousse and Stara Zagora municipalities.

The start of the online admission in VII "Nayden Gerov" secondary school is set for 8.00 am on May 25th, 2015 in the presence of media representatives and Varna municipality.